How I Keep Your Newborn Relaxed During Their Session

“Can we call you at 3 a.m. to come and do this when we can’t get her to go back to sleep?” – Every Newborn Client Ever.

This line always makes me chuckle. Every parent can relate to the sleepless nights with a newborn. However, what I do during your newborn session can give you some tricks to use during those 3 a.m. wake-up calls. Here’s how I create a calm, womb-like environment that helps your baby relax and get comfortable during the session, and how you can apply these techniques at home.

The Fourth Trimester: Mimicking the Womb

Your newborn has only been out in the world for a short time and is still adjusting to life outside the womb. Creating a “womb-like” environment is key to soothing them during their session and at home. This means replicating the movement, noise, and comfort they experienced before birth.

The 5 S’s of Baby Soothing

You might have heard of the 5 S’s of baby soothing from The Happiest Baby On The Block. These baby soothing techniques are incredibly effective for calming your little one:


Your baby spent nine months in a snug space. Now, they have little control over their limbs, which can be unsettling. Swaddling keeps them secure and relaxed, preventing those startling movements that can wake them up.

Side or Stomach Position

Newborns feel more content on their side or tummy. Holding them in this position, whether in your arms or over your shoulder, helps them relax. Note: This position is only for soothing while awake. When sleeping, always place your baby on their back.


In the womb, your baby was surrounded by constant noise. To replicate that environment, I use a Baby Shusher and sometimes make shushing sounds near their ear during sessions. This mimics the comforting sounds they’re used to and helps them settle.


Babies often sleep during the day and stay awake at night. This is because they were rocked to sleep while you moved around during pregnancy. At night, when you’re still, they wake up. Gentle swinging can help soothe them back to sleep, just like the movements they felt in the womb.


Sucking is a natural reflex that calms newborns. I always suggest bringing a pacifier to the session. However, if you prefer not to use one, I respect that. If you forget one, I have a supply of new NUK newborn-size pacifiers available for use in the studio, and you can take it home.

Other Soothing Techniques I Use in the Studio

Staying Calm

Newborns pick up on our energy. Staying calm and patient is crucial. No matter how challenging a session may be, I never lose my cool. I understand that the baby is in control of the session, and I have plenty of tricks to help them settle.


I keep my studio at around 80 degrees during newborn sessions. While the adults may feel warm, the baby will be cozy and content, even when undressed. The warmth helps prevent goosebumps and keeps their skin looking smooth and relaxed.


Sometimes, swinging isn’t an option when positioning the baby. In these cases, I use a special vibrating pad that soothes the baby without disrupting the pose. This technique is especially helpful for gassy babies!

Forehead Rubbing

Gently rubbing the baby’s forehead or the bridge of their nose is another effective trick. This simple gesture helps them relax and drift off to sleep.

Baby-Led Posing

While not a soothing technique, it’s important to mention that I follow the baby’s lead during sessions. I have a general workflow in mind, but every baby is different. If a pose isn’t working, we move on to something else. I never force a baby into a position they’re uncomfortable with. Some prefer being on their tummy, while others like to be swaddled. The session is always guided by your little one’s comfort.

Become a Baby Whisperer at Home

These techniques aren’t just for the studio. Try them at home, and you’ll soon feel like a baby whisperer yourself. Your little one will appreciate the comfort and care, and you’ll enjoy more peaceful moments with them.

If you are expecting a little one, I would love the chance to create beautiful portraits for you to cherish for years to come. Head on over to the newborn page to learn more about what my studio has to offer, or contact us here. I look forward to meeting you and your growing family!

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